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Aug. 30 2017
Knowing my cows means I know more than just their name, I know them.
Aug. 29 2017
People who grew up on dairy farms often mention their love for dairy cows, their passion for the dairy community, and their calling to work in dairy
Aug. 21 2017
Calf care is very important on a dairy operation and developing a health protocol for this group of cattle is key for success.
Aug. 14 2017
You’ve made it through the spring and summer shows with this year’s show string. Whether you are going to more shows in the coming months or not, you’ve got a lot to be proud of
singing to cows
Aug. 10 2017
We recently had the opportunity to share our farm with the public on the “Georgia Farm Monitor” television show that appears on RFDtv
Aug. 7 2017
I’ve always been proud of where I came from. Growing up on a farm is a unique experience that not every child gets the opportunity to have
Aug. 4 2017
Our office gets calls and emails throughout the year from people asking about showmanship rules and looking for resource material
Aug. 3 2017
We have some construction work going on at the farm, and a driver came out not long ago to deliver new pipes. He obviously was on a dairy for the first time
Aug. 1 2017
With each county fair, with each 4-H project, there are lessons learned . . . both for my children and for me
July 31 2017
How many hours a day are your cows not in their home pen? Taking a closer look into your milking herd’s daily schedule is an important management step
July 28 2017
My dad came from a large Midwest family where they milked 25 cows, raised some sheep, had a few chickens, and worked cropland. He was one of seven hard-working farm boys with four sisters
cows in Georgia
July 27 2017
I’m not real sure if it is just a Southern thing to know what it means to have “Georgia weather,” especially around July and August, but these two months are the extreme heat months for...
July 20 2017
There are well-known parent-child professional pairs . . . Ken Griffey, Sr., and his son were both major league baseball players
use your mind2
July 13 2017
Technology has helped improve milk production, reproduction, and made managing cows at our farm easier. Parlor identification, milk meters, and automated activity monitoring are all tied together
July 10 2017
If you told me when I was 9 years old that one day I would willingly get up in front of a crowd of hundreds, I would be shaking my head no
July 5 2017
The age-old joke surrounding holidays is that they’re filled with stress from old family squabbles and new family drama. Is that true? Are most people’s holidays filled with dread and anxiety?
June 30 2017
That was a familiar phase heard repeatedly on Wednesday as youth requested categories and points from the giant Dairy Jeopardy board
June 16 2017
Calving can be a challenging time for a cow. But the issues go beyond giving birth. Around freshening, the dairy cow is struggling with net energy, protein, and mineral imbalances
June 12 2017
People who live hundreds of miles away from your farm (and have never stepped foot on a farm) are making food decisions that might impact your farm.
Farm tour
June 7 2017
When a friend who works for Hoard’s called and asked me if I’d be willing to be one of their farmer bloggers, I physically had to cover my mouth so I didn’t excitedly scream ‘YES!!!’...